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CO JEST GRANE czerwiec 2024 - nr 361
zmodyfikowano  6 lat temu  »  

Watch out! | PressPausePlay

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 10 581 wyświetleń od 28 listopada 2018
  • 7 grudnia 2018, piątek
    » 18:00

Watch out! to cykl spotkań filmowych wokół tematów ważnych i aktualnych. Podczas pierwszej edycji będziemy oglądać filmy dotyczące ekologii, alternatywnych stylów życia, kreatywności, kultury i konsekwencji cyfrowej rewolucji. Wszystkie filmy będą wyświetlane w języku angielskim lub z angielskimi napisami. Po każdej projekcji odbędzie się krótka debata (również anglojęzyczna). Podczas drugiego spotkania obejrzymy „PressPausePlay” o kulturalnej demokracji i mediokracji.

Watch out! is a series of film meetings focusing on important and current topics. During the first edition, will watch documentaries about ecology, alternative lifestyles, creativity, culture and consequences of digital revolution. All the movies will be screened either in English or with English subtitles. After each screening, there will be a short debate about each topic.

During the second meeting, we will watch the movie ” PressPausePlay” (USA 2011). The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent of people in an unprecedented way, unleashing unlimited creative opportunities. But does democratized culture mean better art, film, music and literature or is true talent instead flooded and drowned in the vast digital ocean of mass culture? Is it cultural democracy or mediocrity? This is the question addressed by “PressPausePlay”, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world’s most influential creators of the digital era.

Entrance is free. Meetings are held in Barbara (Świdnicka 8B).

The partner of the event is Wrocławskie Centrum Rozwoju Społecznego.

Moderator: Adrian Siegle – born in Germany, raised in Portugal and currently living in Wroclaw. He graduated as a music teacher, but he’s always been involved in cultural events. When he moved to Poland around 8 years ago, he started organizing a few cultural events in the city, such as international meetings, concerts, movie nights, etc. One of those projects was WrocDoc (www.facebook.com/WrocDoc), a project which aimed to gather (twice a month) people who enjoy watching documentaries and debating/discussing up-to-date topics. The project was held at Fundacja Dom Pokoju (Lokietka 5) and lasted for around 2 years. Since then he’s been cooperating with a few movie festivals from around the world, even being a jury for some of them.


December 7th Technology | “PressPausePlay”, USA 2011

December 14th Creativity

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